Are you just starting out? Here is a quiz that will cover all the basics you should know about music notation, rhythm, and theory.
Aug 24, 2019 • 14 questions
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This quiz has 14 questions and it shouldn't take more than 2 minutes to complete.
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QSometimes we see a note with a dot next to it (on its right side). What does this dot do?
QA "slur" is a line connecting multiple notes and tells you to connect those notes. What is a "tie"?
QAn augmented 4th can also be called a...
QWhich of the following is a C major chord in the 1st inversion?
QThe interval of a major 3rd above B is...
QWhat is the difference between a harmonic minor and a natural minor scale?
QWhat does the top number on a time signature indicate?
QWhich dynamic marking do you hear in the audio below?
QWhat does the bottom number on a time signature indicate?
QHow many beats is a whole note, plus a quarter note, plus a dotted half note?
QWhat notes do we have in a B major scale?
QA simple triad (chord) is made up of two intervals from the bottom note. What are they?
QThe notes G, B and D create which chord?
QAnd what about C, Eb, Gb?
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