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L.V.Beethoven was the last romantic composer
12 of 12 -
A basic chord is made up of 3 notes
11 of 12 -
The Una Corda Pedal makes the piano sound softer
10 of 12 -
The piano has the widest range of tones of all instruments
9 of 12 -
The Baroque period ended in 1850
8 of 12 -
2/4 means 4 quarter notes per measure
7 of 12 -
The Classical period is considered to have started in 1750
6 of 12 -
The piano has 88 keys
5 of 12 -
B to F is a perfect 5th
4 of 12 -
G B D are the notes in a G major chord
3 of 12 -
Clara Schumann was a very famous pianist in the 1800s
2 of 12 -
The Sustain Pedal makes the notes sound shorter
1 of 12
The Paris Conservatoire was founded when Beethoven was in his 20s
12 of 12 -
A grand piano's strings exert a combined force of 20 tonnes on the cast iron frame
11 of 12 -
L.V.Beethoven was a life long admirer of Haydn's music
10 of 12 -
F to Db is a minor 6th
9 of 12 -
P.Tchaikovsky admired the music of J.Brahms
8 of 12 -
The action on a grand piano is faster than the one on an upright, allowing you to play faster
7 of 12 -
Rachmaninoff is buried in Moscow
6 of 12 -
C.Debussy composed 9 Symphonies
5 of 12 -
F.Chopin dedicated his Études Opus 10 to F.Liszt
4 of 12 -
Debussy did not consider his music to be Impressionistic, but rather Symbolistic
3 of 12 -
G B D F are the notes in a dominant 7th chord
2 of 12 -
The String Quartet was developed into its current form by W.A.Mozart
1 of 12
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